Monday, January 11, 2010

Organizing my Juicing

All I do is pass gas all day long.  It's endless.  I started juicing a month ago, but never had this much gas.  It's kinda insane.  And if I'm not passing gas, I'm running to the bathroom to pee. I hope this phase passes soon.

I need to rethink my whole buying produce, storing produce, juicing produce system.  I talked to People's this morning.  They can only give me a discount on a whole case of celery: 30 heads, a whole case of romaine: 24 heads, a whole case of cucumbers: 40 fruits.  Yikes.  Firstly, even @ 4 celery heads a day, that's still 8-9 days worth, hardly fresh.  Secondly, I don't have the room in my fridge to store that much.  I did go ahead and order a whole case of cucumbers.  He said the cucumber case is much smaller.  But 40 of them.  That will last me 10 days.  I am to pick it up Wednesday morning.  All the rest of my veggies I will have to rotate.

So I have two things to do:  Firstly, find out more consistent quantities to juice each day.  2.5 L one day that needs to be augmented in the evening, then 6.5 L the next day isn't cutting it.  Secondly, I have to figure out a produce purchasing rotation.  Whole Foods, People's, and the farmer's market.  I've pretty much figured out that there's a pretty significant price variation, and it's kinda randomly spread among them.  So I need to start doing some price comparisons, and rotate my buying and buying trips.  That allows me to purchase ~5-7 days worth of one veggie at the lowest cost vendor while making sure that my fridge never is at max full.  I'm still worried I won't have enough room once I start buying for multiple days.  At the moment I haven't really figured out multi-day volumes, so I'm kinda buying for 1-2 days at once, just making lots of trips to the market.

This morning, I went through 2.5 heads celery, 2 heads romaine, 4 cucumbers as my base. That seems like a decent daily base.  Tree of Life recommends the celery and cucumber as base @ 80% juice.  Pagano is a huge fan of romaine for cleansing.  So I'll keep those 3 for my base, but I think 60%+ of my juice will be enough.

Kale is really bitter and I think I'll juice it in the mornings with an apple and parsley.  So 1 kale, 1 apple, and 1 batch of parsley per day, too.  The parsley can be spread out in other juices.  I want to take aloe every day, so half an aloe stalk/day.  Not sure what juice to put it in.  I take half a lemon squeezed with the MSM in the morning, and I put the pulp and the other half in the juicer w/ginger.  I really like the sharpness of the lemon ginger parsley zinger.  I can include special strong stuff in the zinger like the occasional mustard green.

I want to start juicing garlic, but I'm worried about breath.  My grandfather used to eat raw garlic, and he had the worst dragon breath.  I'm thinking maybe I'll put garlic into my last juice of each night.

I think I'll allow myself 1 apple, 1 medium beet, and 1 carrot per day.  The beet and carrot can come in the afternoon and evening juices, so C and D.  If the psoriasis seems to be clearing slow, I'll revisit that.

So that leaves some missing ingredients in the zinger, and lots of missing ingredients in juice C, D, and E, assuming I drink the juices alphabetically.  I can fill in those ingredients with stuff I buy:  collard greens, spinach, bok choy, cabbage, napa cabage, dandelion greens, arugala, etc.  Not sure how many bunches of these I will need per day.  I'll have to test it out and see.

Daily Juicing Ingredients (so far)
2.5 celery  (base)
2 romaine  (base)
4 cucumber   (base)
1 kale   (juice A)
1 parsley  (juice A, B, and ?)
1 apple   (juice A)
1 lemon  (juice B)
chunk of ginger (juice B)
1 beet  (juice C)
1 carrot (juice D)
1/3rd garlic bulb (juice E)

1/2 stalk aloe (juice C, D, or E)

Currently drinking:  Juice E w/1 Tbsp Hemp Oil and 1 cap probiotic

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