Friday, January 15, 2010

Day 7: WTB: moar time

Yes, another time QQ post.  Deal with it.  My blog, my rules.

Today's timeline:

8am: wake-up, still sleep deprived and tired from 3 nights ago.
8:15am: IDF
8:30am: Anusara Yoga
10:00am:  20 oz. of juice from a local shop!!  3-4 carrots, spinach, lettuce, celery, and possibly some other greens.  Yes, I know it's more carrots than I typically alot myself, but I'll be skipping my apple today, and I think I really need the energy boost right after yoga, rather than waiting to get home and start juicing before drinking.
10:30am: Morning life practices: skin brushing, enema, contrast shower, haircare, psoriasis skincare
11:55am: Begin juicing
2:45pm: Finish juicing and start cleanup
3:20pm: Finally done in kitchen
3:20pm: Login, check email, some errands, a couple blog posts.
4:50pm: Here I am now.  2/3rds of the day gone.
Tonight: Whole Foods and I plan to buy 3 days worth of juice.  I then plan to prewash EVERYTHING.  I had been hesitating on prewashing all the stuff that needs to be torn apart (eg. celery heads, lettuce heads, cabbage heads, etc.), but I'm going to go ahead and do it.  Chain-washing everything before I even store it in the fridge should speed up juicing.  Leaves of lettuce can survive 2-3 days in the fridge without the lettuce heart/root right?  I also have more storage space.  My mom sent me some insulated storage bags I can use along with gel ices to store produce.  If I can reduce the number of shopping trips and the amount of washing time, it will help A LOT.

Today's juices
Base: 4 cucs, 2 celery, 2 romaine
A: Base + Beet, burdock root, sunchoke root, kale, parsley.  (the first 3 come out really sweet allowing me to offset the kale).
B: 8 oz cup: ginger, lemon, sprout salad - NB (no base)
C: 1 carrot + 650 mL of base (mixed in with the vitamin. earth/greens)
D: Arugala + chard + base
E: Escarole + Spinach + base
F: Mung bean Stir Fry - NB (Juice E from yesterday without the base)
G: Aloe + Sprouts + base

I found a different method of dealing with cucumbers today.  They are so watery they tend to jam up the Omega 8003.  However, if I feed them alone, they do ok. I was able to juice all 4 cucumbers and create 1.2L of juice.  I ended up with a decent amount of fairly wet cucumber pulp (it's always wet).  Since it was only cucumber pulp, I made the decision to feed it all back through.  Ugh.  I extracted another 0.2L of cucumber juice, and took an extra 20 mins doing so.   The juicer backed up like crazy and it took forever to refeed all the pulp through.  I also had to add a carrot since it creates one of the driest pulps.


  1. Sounds like you've made some progress simplifying the procedures and making your feasting life easier. I'm interested in your recipe E. Does it really taste like Chinese food even though it's cold juice?

  2. Well, you don't have to drink it cold, you can drink it at room temperature. The one I made here was better than the original. You don't need to add base. The mung bean and napa cabbage are the base. Adding a Tbsp. Hemp Oil and some salt in the form of kelp granules or phytoplankton works fantastic. Swiss chard may also work as salt.
