Saturday, January 16, 2010

Juice tasting time

So it occurred to me that in order to actually make recipes that taste good, I needed to know the flavors of the food I was juicing.  Everyone knows what spinach tastes like right?  Well, I didn't.  Raw juiced spinach has a very different flavor than cooked spinach.  So without further ado, here's my juice taste test.

Cucumber:  refreshing, light, sweet, touch of sour.  the skin has a mellow earthy bitter.
Romaine: 2 parts acrid bitter, 1 part smooth cream, 2 parts neutral/light/refreshing
Spinach: salty, savory, smooth richness, an almost metallic sharp aftertaste
Swiss Chard, Red: salty, buttery, complex Herb-spicy, light bitter, much saltier than spinach.  spinach tastes smooth and clean in comparison
Collard Greens:  overpowering, bitter, earthy, salty, pungent
Celery:  yummy! lol. initially salty, then a complex, savory full-bodied nutty richness, filling
Dandelion greens: extraordinarily bitter, earthy, sharp, acrid
Kale: bitter, broad-spectrum grainy enveloping bluntness
Beet greens: salty, rich, very similar to chard, except smoother and more neutral
Beets: sweet, salty, complex, rich, full-bodied

That's it for today.  Time to finish juicing and get on with my day.

1 comment:

  1. Love the descrition for Kale!! Have just found this blog today and am reading all the posts. A fascinating account!! Hope your adventure goes well.
