Friday, January 8, 2010

Tomorrow is the big day!

I went out and got a lot more stuff today.  Add that to my trips yesterday and the day before, and I've got most everything I need.

Things I have
Vitamineral Earth
Vitamineral Green
Intestinal Movement Formula
Intestinal Drawing Formula
Bee Pollen
Hemp Oil
Coconut Oil
Dr Bronner's Soap
Apple Corer
Tongue Scraper
30-day JuiceFeasting subscription
Blood Sugar Tester

Things I still need
Digestive Enzyme: Vitalzym?
Break-Stone Tea  (no rush)
Kelp Granules
Intestinal Parsite Formula (no rush)

Gem and Flower Elixir (recommended by Pia @
Probiotics (recommended by Pia)
pH testing kit (recommended by Pia)

Peoples had Vital-zyme, a copy of Vitalzym, which I opted to pass on, and it had kelp tablets that were kelp suspended in a chlorophyll tablet with other tablet specific stuff.  I'd rather just have the pure kelp.
Pharmaca had the Break-stone tea - I'll pick it up on Monday.
I'll pick up the last 3 from Pia when I see her.  I'll also ask her about kelp granules.
The vitalzym and parasite formula I'll have to buy online, it looks like.

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