Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Pagano Regimen


Started Pagano Diet in April, 2009.
Dietary options on the Pagano diet:
 - Gluten-free
 - Dairy-free
 - virtually no lamb (2x/6 months)
 - ~4 oz. chicken, once/mo.
 - ~4 oz. salmon or other sashimi once/wk.
 - The most difficult aspect of the Pagano diet was preserving a 3:1 alkaline-forming to acid-forming ratio.   I dealt with this by practically eliminating acid-forming foods altogether, and substituting neutral foods such as almonds, amaranth, quinoa.  However, I don't think I ever maintained the proper ratios.  My ratios were much closer to 2:1.5:1, 2 parts alkaline-forming, 1.5 parts neutral, and 1 part acid-forming.

Herbal teas:
 - started June, 2009
 - Slippery Elm Bark tablets in the morning
 - American Yellow Saffron at night, occasionally substituting Chamomile
 - Slippery Elm Bark powder started August 2009

High Colonics:
 - One administered during 3-day apple cleanse in April.
 - Hot water bottle enemas administered other 2 days of cleanse.
 - Enemas continued ~ 3/month for first 3-5 months, then discontinued.

Chiropractic adjustments:
 - none
 - yoga substituted - very irregular
 - yoga practice would be 1-2 months off, then 1-2 weeks daily, then 1-2 months off
 - nightly spinal twists


If I were to characterize my psoriasis before as 100, and full remission as 0, I think the severity of plaques went from 100 to 40.  That is to say, 90% of the itching was gone.  70% of the day to day scaling was gone. The occasional burning, cracked fissures were all gone.  The color went from bright red with white scales to pinkish with little scaling.  The need for heavy ointments or lotions applied at 2 hour intervals was replaced by once or twice/day normal lotioning.  This happened over the course of the first 6 months, from April through September.  Over the course of the last 3 months, the severity has see-sawed between 35-45, with perhaps a very small downward healing trend.

A doctor characterized the coverage of psoriasis as 45% of my body (see pictures).  This has not changed significantly on the Pagano regimen.  It may have gone down a little to 40%, but it is unclear.

I did cheat on the diet here and there.  The cheating usually coincided with emotional low-points and severe depressive episodes, so it was very difficult to tell whether my skin would get worse from the cheating, from the depression and stress, or from the lack of sleep and shifting sleep patterns.  I'm sure all contributed.  During these episodes my skin would inevitably get worse, and that would trigger more negative emotions, resulting in a feedback loop.  I would never stray off the diet for longer than one, maybe two major meals, and 2-3 smaller snacks.   This happened perhaps only three times over the course of the regimen.

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